Calendar for Gangwon FC

Calendar Gangwon FC Club Friendlies 2025-2026

Here is the schedule of all home and away matches of Gangwon FC for the Club Friendlies.

Calendar Gangwon FC K League 1 2025-2026

Gangwon FC is currently ranked at place 9 with 4 points in the K League 1 table and still has to play 33 matches in the current phase of the competition. Here is the schedule of all home and away matches of Gangwon FC for the K League 1.
2025-02-16 Sunday 08:30
Lost 😞
Daegu FC
Daegu FC
Gangwon FC
Gangwon FC
Goals Daegu FC:
56' Bruno José Pavan Lamas, 94' Cesar Fernando Silva dos Santos
Goals Gangwon FC:
44' Vitor Gabriel Claudino Rego Ferreira
2025-02-23 Sunday 08:30
Won 😀
Gangwon FC
Gangwon FC
Pohang Steelers
Pohang Steelers
Goals Gangwon FC:
82' Ji-Ho Lee, 93' Ji-Ho Lee
Goals Pohang Steelers:
44' Ho-Jae Lee
2025-03-09 Sunday 08:30
Won 😎
Jeonbuk Motors
Jeonbuk Motors
Gangwon FC
Gangwon FC
Goals Jeonbuk Motors:
Goals Gangwon FC:
90' Gyeong-Min Kim