All players Industria Galda de Jos

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Position Name Age Birthday Nationality
Midfielder Adrian Hăprian - - Romania
Attacker Adrian Ilie Adam 24 2000-11-18 Romania
Midfielder Adrian Ioan Lăcătuş - - Romania
Midfielder Alexandru Adrian Costea 29 1995-11-22 Romania
Midfielder Alexandru Marius Circov 35 1989-09-20 Romania
Attacker Alexandru Romulus Alecu Cioară 30 1994-06-17 Romania
Defender Claudiu Silviu Haiduc 35 1989-11-25 Romania
Goalkeeper Cătălin Vasile Suciu 26 1998-11-10 Romania
Goalkeeper Daniel Lepădat - - Romania
Attacker Daniel Ştefan Lupşan 32 1992-10-10 Romania
Defender Darius Petruse 24 2000-06-27 Romania
Midfielder Flaviu Bogdan Baghiu 32 1992-11-30 Romania
Defender Ionuț Cioplântă 27 1997-11-12 Romania
Midfielder Pavel Gergely - - Romania
Defender Răzvan Frenţiu - - Romania
Attacker Silviu Mureşan 33 1991-08-11 Romania
Midfielder Vlad Ovidiu Truţă 23 2001-05-07 Romania

Player statistics Industria Galda de Jos

Number of players 17
Average age 27 years old
Age oldest 33 years old
Age youngest 22 years old
Number of goalkeepers 1
Number of defenders 3
Number of midfielders 4
Number of attackers 4
Older than 28 6
Older than 30 5
Younger than 23 3
Number of nationalities 1