Calendar for Juan Pablo II College

Calendar Juan Pablo II College Liga 1 2025-2026

Juan Pablo II College is currently ranked at place 12 with 0 points in the Liga 1 table and still has to play 18 matches in the current phase of the competition. Here is the schedule of all home and away matches of Juan Pablo II College for the Liga 1.
2025-02-09 Sunday 21:00
Lost 😞
Sport Boys
Sport Boys
Juan Pablo II College
Juan Pablo II College
Goals Sport Boys:
61' Alejandro Hohberg González
Goals Juan Pablo II College:
2025-02-16 Sunday 19:15
Lost 😞
Juan Pablo II College
Juan Pablo II College
Sport Huancayo
Sport Huancayo
Goals Juan Pablo II College:
Goals Sport Huancayo:
56' Janio Carlo Pósito Olazábal
2025-02-22 Saturday 02:00
Lost 😞
Alianza Lima
Alianza Lima
Juan Pablo II College
Juan Pablo II College
Goals Alianza Lima:
33' José Paolo Guerrero Gonzáles
Goals Juan Pablo II College:
2025-03-11 Tuesday 00:00
Lost 😞
Deportivo Binacional
Deportivo Binacional
Juan Pablo II College
Juan Pablo II College
Goals Deportivo Binacional:
47' Hoover Saúl Crespo Gómez, 50' Arthur Alexander Gutiérrez Inga
Goals Juan Pablo II College: