All players PSM Makassar

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Position Name Age Birthday Nationality
Attacker Abdul Rahman Sulaeman 36 1988-05-14 Indonesia
Midfielder Adil Nur Bangsawan 20 2004-05-10 Thailand
Attacker Adilson Gancho Silva 27 1997-07-30 Portugal
Midfielder Akbar Tanjung - - Indonesia
Midfielder Ananda Raehan Alif 21 2003-12-17 Indonesia
Goalkeeper Annas Fitranto 30 1994-04-06 Indonesia
Midfielder Bryan Cesar Ramadhan 32 1993-03-16 Indonesia
Attacker Donald Bissa 33 1991-12-13 Indonesia
Defender Edgard Amping 21 2003-06-09 Indonesia
Defender Enrique Linares Fernández 25 1999-07-12 Spain
Defender Erwin Gutawa 32 1992-07-06 Indonesia
Defender Ganjar Mukti Muhardiyana 30 1994-06-12 Indonesia
Attacker Gunansar Papua Mandowen 24 2000-11-14 Indonesia
Goalkeeper Harlan Suardi 26 1999-01-26 Indonesia
Defender Ibnul Mubarak 20 2004-10-14 Indonesia
Attacker Kenzo Nambu 32 1992-08-22 Japan
Goalkeeper Muhammad Ardiansyah 21 2003-03-28 Indonesia
Midfielder Muhammad Arfan 27 1998-01-22 Indonesia
Midfielder Muhammad Andy Harjito 23 2001-09-27 Indonesia
Attacker Muhammad Dzaky Asraf Huwaidi Syam 22 2003-02-06 Indonesia
Attacker Muhammad Mufli Hidayat 19 2005-08-07 Indonesia
Midfielder Muhammad Rafli Asrul 22 2003-02-19 Indonesia
Goalkeeper Muhammad Reza Arya Pratama 24 2000-05-18 Indonesia
Attacker Muhammad Rizky Eka Pratama 25 1999-12-24 Indonesia
Attacker Prince Patrick Kallon 23 2002-02-03 Indonesia
Goalkeeper Raka Octa Bernanda 20 2004-10-01 Indonesia
Midfielder Rashyid Assyahid Bakri 34 1991-01-17 Indonesia
Attacker Ricky Pratama 21 2003-05-06 Indonesia
Goalkeeper Rivky Deython Mokodompit 36 1988-12-05 Indonesia
Midfielder Rizky Ahmad Sanjaya Pellu 32 1992-06-26 Indonesia
Defender Safrudin Tahar 31 1993-12-13 Indonesia
Defender Sulthan Zaky Pramana Putra Razak 19 2006-03-23 Indonesia
Defender Victor Jonson Benjamin Dethan 20 2004-07-11 Indonesia
Attacker Vivi Asrizal 29 1995-05-01 Indonesia
Midfielder Wiljan Jan Pluim 36 1989-01-04 The Netherlands
Attacker Yakob Sayuri 27 1997-09-09 Indonesia
Attacker Yakob Sayuri 27 1997-09-22 Indonesia
Defender Yuran Fernandes Rocha Lopes 30 1994-10-19 Cape Verde
Attacker Éverton Nascimento de Mendonça 31 1993-07-03 Brazil

Player statistics PSM Makassar

Number of players 39
Average age 25 years old
Age oldest 35 years old
Age youngest 17 years old
Number of goalkeepers 6
Number of defenders 9
Number of midfielders 9
Number of attackers 14
Older than 28 15
Older than 30 10
Younger than 23 17
Number of nationalities 8