All players Fiorentino

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Position Name Age Birthday Nationality
Midfielder Adolfo Josè Hirsch 38 1986-01-31 -
Midfielder Alessandro Terenzi - - Italy
Midfielder Alessandro Molinari 34 1989-05-14 -
Attacker Alessandro Torsani 23 2000-11-02 Italy
Midfielder Andrea Borgagni 27 1996-10-21 -
Midfielder Andrea Dolcini 21 2003-04-14 -
Midfielder Attilio Armando Marino 19 2004-08-21 Italy
Attacker Bilal Ghamdaoui 22 2001-06-08 -
Midfielder Cristian Maccagno 40 1983-06-05 Italy
Midfielder Cristiano De Lorenzis 19 2004-08-01 Italy
Midfielder Elia Michelotti 22 2001-07-29 -
Attacker Fabrizio Castellazzi 39 1984-07-29 Italy
Midfielder Francesco Mastrota 21 2002-06-25 Italy
Defender Giovanni De Rosa 21 2002-06-12 Italy
Defender Juri Biordi 29 1995-01-01 -
Midfielder Lorenzo Becchimanzi 24 2000-03-01 Italy
Midfielder Lorenzo Sottile 28 1996-04-13 Italy
Goalkeeper Luca Bianchi 34 1990-02-27 -
Defender Luca Bottoni 27 1996-08-12 Italy
Defender Luca Filippi 35 1988-09-27 -
Midfielder Matias Colagiovanni 31 1993-01-16 -
Midfielder Matteo Camillini 40 1984-01-10 Italy
Midfielder Maximiliano Baizan 31 1993-03-23 -
Goalkeeper Michele Berardi 32 1992-04-07 -
Defender Mirko Paglialonga 40 1983-09-19 Italy
Defender Moussa Tall 20 2003-09-30 Italy
Attacker Nicola D'Addario 20 2003-12-21 -
Midfielder Nicolò Accosta 19 2004-08-31 Italy
Midfielder Pietro Calzolari 32 1991-10-28 -
Midfielder Souhail Zouhri 30 1994-02-03 Italy
Attacker Wainer Alberto Perlaza Hurtado 30 1993-11-06 Colombia

Player statistics Fiorentino

Number of players 31
Average age 27 years old
Age oldest 40 years old
Age youngest 18 years old
Number of goalkeepers 2
Number of defenders 6
Number of midfielders 17
Number of attackers 5
Older than 28 15
Older than 30 12
Younger than 23 12
Number of nationalities 2