All players Ruch Chorzów

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Position Name Age Birthday Nationality
Attacker Artur Pląskowski 30 1993-12-14 Poland
Defender Bartosz Musiolik 21 2002-07-30 Poland
Midfielder Bartłomiej Lenert 22 2001-10-13 Poland
Attacker Daniel Szczepan 28 1995-06-05 Poland
Attacker Dawid Barnowski 21 2002-07-11 Poland
Attacker Dominik Steczyk 25 1999-05-04 Poland
Attacker Igor Stasiński 18 2005-05-15 Poland
Goalkeeper Jakub Bielecki 23 2000-10-28 Poland
Midfielder Jan Sedlák 29 1994-10-25 -
Midfielder Juliusz Letniowski 26 1998-04-08 Poland
Defender Kacper Michalski 24 2000-01-03 Poland
Midfielder Kacper Skwierczynski 21 2003-01-11 Poland
Defender Konrad Kasolik 26 1997-09-29 Poland
Midfielder Lukasz Janoszka 37 1987-03-18 Poland
Defender Maciej Sadlok 34 1989-06-29 Poland
Attacker Maciej Firlej 27 1996-09-23 Poland
Goalkeeper Marcel Potoczny 17 2006-06-29 Poland
Defender Mateusz Bartolewski 26 1998-01-12 Poland
Midfielder Mateusz Wojtek 20 2003-07-29 Poland
Goalkeeper Michal Buchalik 35 1989-02-03 Poland
Attacker Michal Feliks 25 1999-03-19 Poland
Midfielder Patryk Sikora 24 1999-11-20 Poland
Defender Pawel Baranowski 33 1990-10-11 Poland
Midfielder Piotr Wyroba 23 2001-02-20 Poland
Defender Przemysław Szur 28 1996-03-24 Poland
Defender Remigiusz Szywacz 28 1995-11-07 Poland
Attacker Szymon Kobusiński 26 1998-05-04 Poland
Goalkeeper Tomasz Nowak 22 2002-03-12 Poland
Midfielder Tomasz Foszmańczyk 38 1986-02-07 Poland
Midfielder Tomasz Swędrowski 30 1993-11-25 Poland
Midfielder Tomasz Wójtowicz 20 2003-12-19 Poland
Goalkeeper Wiktor Rusin 19 2004-10-25 Poland
Midfielder Wiktor Długosz 23 2000-07-01 Poland
Midfielder Łukasz Moneta 29 1994-05-13 Poland

Player statistics Ruch Chorzów

Number of players 34
Average age 25 years old
Age oldest 37 years old
Age youngest 17 years old
Number of goalkeepers 5
Number of defenders 8
Number of midfielders 13
Number of attackers 8
Older than 28 10
Older than 30 5
Younger than 23 15
Number of nationalities 1