All players SKRA Częstochowa

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Position Name Age Birthday Nationality
Defender Adam Mesjasz 31 1993-03-09 Poland
Midfielder Adam Olejnik 32 1991-12-27 Poland
Midfielder Denis Gojko 26 1998-02-16 Poland
Goalkeeper Jakub Bursztyn 26 1998-03-25 Poland
Goalkeeper Jakub Hajda 20 2003-09-16 Poland
Defender Jakub Zalucki 20 2003-08-22 Poland
Midfielder Jakub Niedzielski 18 2006-04-12 Poland
Defender Jan Flak 22 2002-04-10 Poland
Attacker Michał Kitliński 29 1995-02-14 Poland
Midfielder Paweł Kołodziejczyk 19 2004-11-15 Poland
Midfielder Piotr Nocon 33 1990-06-12 Poland
Midfielder Przemysław Sajdak 24 2000-02-07 Poland
Midfielder Sebastian Rogala 24 2000-04-17 Poland

Player statistics SKRA Częstochowa

Number of players 13
Average age 24 years old
Age oldest 33 years old
Age youngest 17 years old
Number of goalkeepers 2
Number of defenders 3
Number of midfielders 7
Number of attackers 1
Older than 28 4
Older than 30 3
Younger than 23 7
Number of nationalities 1