Leagues and football results Belgium

An overview of all competitions in Belgium. Klik op een voetbalcompetitie om alle voetbalclubs in die competitie te zien.

Be the first to find out the Belgian football results. We report on Belgium's first and second division, but also on the provincial leagues. The Jupiler Pro League (1A) is the first league we started tracking on Football Nation. This was soon followed by Professional Football 1B, also known as the Proximus League and, since 2021, the provincial football results of both Flanders and Wallonia (Belgian Dutch and French region).

In Belgium, we also have the Croky Cup. The Croky cup is the official cup of Belgium. In this national tournament, all professional and amateur clubs in Belgium compete against each other to secure a place in the final. The winners get to call themselves Belgium's Cup Winner for a year.

Looking for Belgium's national team football results? Then go to the Red Devils' page to see past and upcoming matches.